I am offering 2 workshops in 2015.  One for couples, the other for parents. I call them 'Pitstops'. The concept comes from auto racing.  Pitstops are necessary breaks from the race to refuel and make adjustments. Likewise, couples need to jump out of the race for short, but essential tweaks to their ever changing lives.

The Pitstop is for tweaking communication skills. The purpose is to give couples (marital and pre-marital) a break from their race in life to attend to their communication skills.

The 2nd offering is a Pitstop for Parents. The purpose is to give parents a place to come together for encouragement, information, and connection. The focus is on the enduring principles for raising kids that continue to work today.

The goal is for these parents to connect here and continue on as a small group, using the Revolutionary Parenting program of George Gallup.


These seminars are faith-based and designed for churches to offer to congregations and as portals for outreach.

The available times and dates are limited.

.Contact Mike Kachura for further information.


Michael J. Kachura LPC; LMFT 
Licensed Professional Counselor/ Marriage & Family Therapist

3611-D Chain Bridge Rd.

Fairfax, VA  22030
Phone: 703-629-2306     Email: mjkachura@kachura.com